Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ironing Boring Cover

Before I could start making any fun, new projects I had to take care of this nasty mess.
I bought this high-end ironing board cover about 3 months ago and it's trashed, so I decided that I would have to make my own in order to get any kind of quality cover.  Boring!

Here's how I did it. 
1) Choose 2 yards of a thick cotton fabric.  I found my fabric at a thrift store, one big, flat bed-sheet.  Great color, great quality and best of all, super cheap!

2) I then traced the ironing board by turning it upside on the fabric.  Then made the cut lines 4 inches wider from the original traced lines.  I cut out two of these pieces and stitched them together to get extra thickness.

3) Cut out a top piece that looks like the picture below. Measure is 4 inches long as if your were to cut the top of the board piece off.  Notice, the pieces are not ironed, kind of irononic to iron an ironing board cover. LOL

4)  Time to sew!  Use a strong stitch throughout this project.  I used a strait/zigzag combo stitch. Sew the large top portion to the small top portion then turn the seam in.

5) Then fold the edges in about 1  1/2 inch, leaving room to thread in cording or elastic. Now sew all the way around.  Leave an unsewn gap at the bottom,  enough room to insert and tie off elastic or cording.

6)  Now thread the elastic or cording around the whole cover.  You will need about 4 yards.

7)  Time to put on the finished cover. Yeah!!!!  I left the old cover on because I liked it's padding.
Project time = 30 minutes

Before putting on your new cover, cover the ironing board with aluminum foil,  this helps to conduct more heat and prevents the metal board from leaving rust stains on clothes.

 Isn't she pretty